Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Photo Roulette

AUDIENCE ↬ students
CONTENT ↬ generates random historic US photos


I heard about Photo Roulette while listening to the podcast "Check This Out Podcast:  Episode 87: ISTE a look back". Ryan & Brian share out numerous tools, resources, and activities in each podcast and this one really caught my attention. Random historical photos?! Whaaaaat??? Guess the year?!? It's a game?!?! LOVE IT!

You might be thinking - how do I use this at school? Stop and think ... these are primary sources about our history ... they are from the Library of Congress's digital collections ... students most likely won't be able to take one peek at it and guess the year. They will need to study it, read the caption, possible use their resources to do some research, and ultimately, guess the year it was taken within 10 guesses that provide a little feedback to help guide their next answer. And when the guess is correct, you can go TO the Library of Congress website and find out more information about the photo.

Now, you might feel these photos are too "tough" for your kiddos ... take the idea and modify it to fit your students. Take images about the topic you are currently studying and put them in a slidedeck. Or adjust the goal from guessing the year to guessing the person or the invention or the event ... allow students to research and work collaboratively. Wouldn't that be an awesome way to work in collaboration? And don't feel like YOU have to do all the work ... what if you challenge your students to find images to share out and challenge each other? 

Love it! Definitely something you should check out!

Here is a link to "Check this Out" podcast

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