Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Common Sense Privacy Evaluations

WEBSITE  Common Sense Privacy Evaluations

AUDIENCE parents, teachers & admins

CONTENT technology

GRADE LEVELS  all grades

I have become more and more aware the last several years of the risks we are taking with all of the programs we have our students and our own children using. Unfortunately, not all companies have our kids best interests at heart and I want to make you aware of a resource I have often used before allowing my own daughters use an app or program and I have used to check out programs for use with my students at school. Please do not just say "yes" to everything. Our kids want the latest and the flashy and what everyone else has ... but that opens doors to risks that you may not want for them.

The evaluations are simple and clear. Super easy to understand and then if you decide it's ok, you will be better informed as to why you've chosen to allow it.

I can see parents using this resource when their kids ask about a new app for their device. We don't know what we don't know ... and sometimes the "fun" apps open our kids up to security risks. 

And I see teachers using this resource when they want to try a new website or app with their students. We take the place of parents at school in making these decisions, so we need to be just as cautious when making these choices.

Interested in more resources like this? Every Monday, I share a newsletter with a collection of Tech You Can Do resources. Interested? Sign up here!  ***

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