Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Multiplication & Division Practice Digitally

  Multiply and Divide Practice

AUDIENCE students

CONTENT ↬ math

GRADE LEVELS  grades 3 & up

I used a handful of years ago to create digital flashcards for my oldest daughter. I shared them out and had positive response. One day a 3rd grade girl asked if I had created anything for division, so I created the division one.

Recently, I've felt that they needed to come together and have better navigation, so I've embedded them on this website: 

Please share with your colleagues, students and their families. 


  1. Seriously, how do you do this?????

  2. No really, How do you even think of these things and then create something like this? I am amazed!!!

    1. Honestly - my oldest daughter hating doing the paper flashcards to learn her facts was the inspiration for multiplication. :) The division one came from a 3rd grader one of my buildings told me she liked the times one & asked if I had one for division. (Melt my heart!!!!) So of course I had to create that one, too!

      Thank you for the compliment.

  3. I wouldn't even know how to start. But then I teach Spanish, so I wouldn't need to do anything for math, thankfully!!

    1. I can totally see you using for Spanish, too! English word on one side, Spanish word on the other. You could do groups - maybe by unit/chapter - of words so students learn in chunks. Instead of having the facts listed, you could have the groups of words listed. :)
