Tuesday, April 11, 2023

NatGeo Kids - games & more!

AUDIENCE ↬ students

CONTENT ↬ science; has content integrations possible

GRADE LEVELS  grades K-5

This. Is. Fun!

I stumbled on this site and I've been sharing it with just about everyone I have come across. It is PACKED with games and opportunities for fun! And depending on the area kids explore, it can also be used for learning. 

I can see students using this site in a lot of different ways. There are matching games, memory games, find the difference, mad libs, puzzles, jokes and videos. I shared this with kindergarteners and one of the top picks was a maze - getting a dolphin through a maze to its family. Amazing animal videos were another hit - no video was more than 2 minutes long. In a third grade classroom, the jokes were a hit! (Lots of reading and laughing going on in there!) This is also the class I learned about the mad libs - packed with parts of speech and lots of giggles with the resulting story.

The videos have facts about animals - making it a great resource for research.
The memory & matching games help students practice their memory skills in a very fun way.
The "find the differences" help students visually compare & contrast.

... and so much more! This website has been personally tested out by me & I give it two thumbs up!

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