Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The True Size Of ...

WEBSITE  The True Size of ...
AUDIENCE ↬ teachers & students
CONTENT Geography for sure! But can tie into all content

GRADE LEVELS  all grades; independent use would be more in grades 3+

I absolutely love history and geography! Love, love, love.

I heard about this website recently on a podcast and was intrigued. When you go to the site, you can watch a short video demonstrating how the site works. Then ... get to work selecting a continent, country, state or other geographic region.

The region will automatically be outlined and when you move it around the map, it's size will change. Now, it's not magic, but it's designed to help students (and many adults) realize, that the "True Size" is can trick your eye. Example, Greenland looks large on the map but because the earth is a sphere, move it close to Mexico, and you find it's not that much larger!

That, by itself, is pretty awesome, but it doesn't end there. When you select a region and click on it, and some pretty cool info pops up. Here's where you can leverage some math when comparing the total size. It even tells you what a comparable country would be!

Now where could this adventure lead you and your students? Once you find a comparable country, dive in and compare populations, geography, climate, culture, etc! Super cool!


  1. That's a great app.
    Right now,I'll show it to geography teachers!!
    Thank you so much!
